“At CFK we strive to train and motivate our members to be the best they can”

everything you need to know about cfk
The sport of fitness will develop your capacity to live everyday to its fullest, while enjoying the company of a like-minded community. By practising the skills and components of various sports including olympic lifting, power lifting, gymnastics, running, endurance and kettlebells – we can help turn you into a better version of yourself with increases in strength, speed, power, flexibility, and co-ordination. Come and try it out – we won’t let you down. See you at the box!
Sample session plan
1.Warmup / activate
0:00 - 10:00
Get ready! Get warm! We start the session off by preparing specific muscle groups for the class ahead.
2. Strength / skill
10:00 - 30:00
After warm up we focus on a particular strength or skill. We emphasise mechanics, consistency then intensity. For example:
Back squats
5 sets of 5 reps.
Start at a moderate weight and build across sets
30:00 - 50:00
It’s time to sweat , time to shine, time to burn off all the energy! We generally call this a WOD (Workout of the Day). Regardless of fitness levels we will put you through the paces of the movements involved and provide a scaled variation to suit your ability. See example below,
3 rounds for time
400m run
21x Kettlebell swings
12x Pullups
4. cool down /Stretch
50:00 - 60:00
You made it! Time to huddle in, stretch it out and have a few laughs and get a few cuddles from Bodhi the Border Collie our gym mascot.
meet the coaches
head coach/owner